Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Boku no Hero Academia – 51

Boku no Hero Academia – 51

「入れ寮」 (Haire Ryou)
“Moving into Dorms”

There are two things I love about this episode. First: everything about it. It was so fun! Getting to see everybody’s rooms was just super fun. It’s said that to see someone’s room is to understand them, and we got that over and over again. Obvious winner was, indeed, Sato, but Sero kinda got robbed (I hope he was second), and Todoroki’s was also a shocker. Top floor boy’s rooms were stronk. It was fun getting to see everyone’s characters explored through their rooms. It was just fun!

Second, I love how it actually meant something. Other stories would have this episode he light and fun and fluffy for its own sake. That’s fine! Sometimes fun can just be fun. But the Room King competition was imbued with extra meaning when Tsuyu-chan spoke. I don’t agree with her initial statement, that to break the rules is to do what villains do—ideally that would be the case, but sometimes the rules have not caught up with morality, and we all have to navigate that world—but she’s not wrong to at least consider this. In this case it was good that they did what they did, and that Iida and Yao-momo went along (and are now getting tarred for their actions) even though they were only there to stop the others from doing something rash. Yet they still betrayed their teacher’s trust, and that of their fellow students, which is why Aizawa-sensei was right to dress them down, and Tsuyu-chan was right to feel betrayed. But she also spoke to them about it, and that’s good. She didn’t let it fester! Tsuyu-chan is a good hero, but also just a good person who’s wise beyond her years. You can’t help but love her.

Other thoughts in no particular order:

  • Kirishima is an example of good manliness, as opposed to toxic manliness. He’s all gung-ho for manly stuff, and the girls poke fun at that, but when he makes a mistake he apologizes for it and promises to make it right/learn his lesson, and he’s generally open about his feeling. That’s good manliness.

  • As opposed to Grape-kun, who is all sorts of toxic. Which isn’t to say he isn’t a good character. He is! He’s just not a great person. Dude needs to learn some self-control. But the things that make him a trashy boy are what make him a hilarious character. It’s okay as long as it isn’t endorsed, and since the show frequently punishes him for his antics, it’s not, so it’s funny to watch.

  • Funniest rooms were definitely Izuku’s and Tokoyami’s, but I was cracking up throughout. And Sato deserved to win. Cakii!

  • It’s kind of astounding that the story didn’t start out in dorms, but it’s great that it didn’t, because now we get to see both the before and the after. Shows again how wise Horikoshi-sensei is.

Next episode is ultimate attacks. Join us then!

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Today at 2:00 am

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