Friday, July 20, 2018

Udon Entertainment Licenses FLCL Archives Art Book, Mega Man X: Mega Mission Manga

Udon Entertainment announced at its Comic-Con International: San Diego panel on Thursday that it will release the FLCL Archives book in English in February 2019. The book, which shipped in Japan in November 2016 features character and mecha designs, key visuals, and the original pitch for the FLCL anime with hand-written notes from the creators.

In addition, Udon Entertainment announced that it will release Hitoshi Ariga"s 48-page Mega Man X: Mega Mission one-shot manga for the first time in English in January 2019. Like the company"s remastered colored versions of Ariga"s Mega Man MasterMix manga, Mega Man X: Mega Mission will add color by Josh Perez. Ariga is overseeing the coloring. The fourth issue of Mega Man MasterMix is slated for October.

The company also announced that its release of Telegenic! Atsushi Nishigori Animation Works is now slated for December 2018. The third and fourth volumes of Ukyō Kodachi and Tatsuma Ejiri"s Infini-T Force: Arc to the Future manga are slated for October and December, respectively.

Source: Udon Entertainment"s Comic-Con International panel (Thanks, Deb Aoki)

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