Friday, May 11, 2018

Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Hen – 17

Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Hen – 17

「さくらとおかしなお菓子」 (Sakura to Okashina Okashi)
“Sakura and the Crazy Sweets”

A surprisingly fun episode with the reveal that we’ve been waiting ages for.

General Impressions

It only took 17 episodes to get here, but the plot has finally decided to advance forward toward something! And as sarcastic as that might sound, I’m genuinely excited to see that we’re finally getting closer to whatever climax Clear Card can muster. Because after almost two-cours, I’m sure we’re all getting a little tired of watching Sakura do the same thing day-in and day-out without really progressing anywhere.

However, before we dive into that, let’s talk a little bit about this week’s ridiculous Card capture. And by ridiculous, I mean pretty cool since this week’s card put up a pretty darn good fight. Seriously, when was the last time you saw a bunch of rollcakes combine into a single giant sugary monster? All jokes aside, I thought the capture overall was a pretty fun watch since it looks like these cards are caring less and less about just how disruptive they’re being and Sakura ends up in pretty interesting situations because of that.

That said, let’s dive into the really juicy part about this week’s episode — Kaito. Ever since we first met the guy, I’ve always felt a little iffy about him. Besides being too perfect as a butler, the show would always pan away as it drew our eyes to some real ominous shadows surrounding his eyes and for a show like this one, it’s pretty obvious what the show runners are trying to say. The thing about all of this that’s really irking me though is that we still don’t know what Kaito’s true intentions are. Based off of the way he treats Akiho and his rather blunt comments to Momo as he unleashed some magic, it definitely feels like there’s something going on beneath the surface. The problem being we don’t know exactly what’s going on and why it involved Sakura and the creation of all these new cards.

All in all not too bad of an episode that’s starting to set us up for things to come. Hopefully we’ll finally get some true answers since things seem to be ramping up rather quickly. In any case I’ll catch you guys next week where it looks like Touya and Yue will get another chance to have some deep talks with each other. See you then!


Yesterday at 1:32 am

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