Friday, November 24, 2017

Virtual Home Robot Developer Lets You Marry 2D Characters on Paper

One fan in Japan had the chance to have a wedding with an adult game character via VR in June. As of this week, all of Japan is now one step closer to officially realizing relationships with 2D waifu. Gatebox established its Jigen Tokō Kyoku (Dimensional Voyage Department) and began offering a marriage registration service for people who want to record their unions with 2D characters.

People who want to marry a character (on paper) can print out a marriage registration form from Gatebox Lab"s Jigen Tokō Kyoku. The form is available in "Normal" (seen below), "Japan," "Future," and "European" varieties, and it features all of the boxes of a normal Japanese marriage registration form. After filling in the form, people can send it to Gatebox Lab. If there is no problem with the form, the company will send a marriage certificate for the dimension-crossing matrimony in about two or three weeks.

The service launched on Wednesday, and it is running until December 7.

People who decide to use Gatebox"s service to marry fictional characters also have another opportunity with the company. Gatebox is accepting applications for a variety of positions. People who join the company as employees after participating in the marriage registration campaign will receive special benefits. They will earn a "couple"s allowance" of 5,000 yen (about US$45) every month and be able to take vacation days on their virtual spouses" birthdays.

Gatebox revealed its trademark "virtual home robot" last year. The company began streaming a promotional video that introduces the project"s female character in December.

With Gatebox"s new marriage service, people can now wed AI that control their homes. Without some sort of physical manifestation, this is probably the closest society will come to having real virtual wives in the near future.

[Via Nijimean]

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