Sunday, December 24, 2017

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Yuusha no Shou – 05

「清廉な心」 (Seiren na Kokoro)
“Incorruptible Heart”

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru excels at putting itself in impossible situations. That’s what made the original series stumble on the finish line, maybe—if the final episode of Yuusha no Shou can hit a home run, it will save it all. But how? There’s no good solution, and any solution I can think of would amount to a last-minute deus ex machina. Doesn’t mean there isn’t one. I hope there is. I just don’t see it, which means the chance of failure is high.

Let’s go over a few options.

They could save Yuuna and save the world. Somehow. I’m cool with the Taisha looking like assholes to the end, they are—even if their job is truly impossible as well, sacrificing all these girls to save the world, they’re still going about it badly. Probably because they’ve been made so callous by what they’ve had to do. But there are only a few hints as to how this might be accomplished. It would jive most with the series’ tone and inclinations, though, so it remains the most likely path, even if it’s the one with the highest likelihood of failure.

The Shinkon could be completed, Yuuna dies, and humanity becomes the people of god, rendering themselves safe from attack by becoming other than human. This would certainly be interesting, though it would deny YuYuYu’s essential idealism in exchange for a world where the assholes of the Taisha were right. Think Evangelion’s Instrumentality, except—well, basically that. Probably no tang, but I can’t promise that. This would be unexpected, but probably the path I least want them to take. They would sacrifice everything, and for what? Doesn’t seem to be worth it. For the writers, that is—from the people’s perspective, the Taisha’s perspective, I get it. I hate them for it, but I get it. Even if I don’t know what decision I would make.

Or they could reject Shinjyu-sama’s plans entirely, and the world could be engulfed in fire. For a series shot through with hope, this would be the ultimate rejection of itself, as its final chips fall upon “Humans are shit,” “Humans are unworthy,” and “Idealism even is the answer is death.” YuYuYu is idealistic, but in a hopeful way, not in a “Give me freedom or give me death!” kind of way. This would perhaps be the most interesting path to take, and the most unexpected, but I don’t know if I would want me magnum opus to end with this kind of message. Humans are irrepressibly optimistic, even in the face of all that life throws at us, much of it of our own making. It would certainly be fascinating to see the flames engulf the world and the screen fade to black, though. That’s for sure.

It’s possible to thread this needle, even if they choose the first option. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica did it in its original run (I still need to watch those movies), with a remarkable turnaround that made perfect sense, even as everything felt so bleak just a moment prior. It’s possible. But it’s hard. It’s damn, damn, damn hard. That’s why most writers don’t attempt it. Pulling it off would be phenomonal, but what a task the writers have set for themselves. I hope they had a plan all along. If they were winging it, I doubt it will work.

This sequel is asking some heavy questions, even more so than the original. What is the worth of humans? Are they worth saving? At what cost? And is it important that they remain human after the fact? These are meaty questions, ones I don’t even know where I’d come down on; every fiber of my body rejects the sacrifice of Yuuna, but absent that, would throwing away their humanity really be that bad? As we real life humans accelerate our modification and augmentation of the human body, we’ll have to ask those questions. Ghost in the Shell is coming faster than many of us realize. Would a spiritual version really be that bad? Or should the whole thing be burned down, because the foundations are too rotten, built as they are upon the corpses of innocent girls.

What does that say of our world, that’s built on the corpses of trillions of beings, human and animal alike?

Heavy stuff. I’ll be interested to see how they answer these questions. And I’ll brace myself for disappointment, because wow, the writers have forced themselves into as much of a corner as Yuuna was. But I’ll hold out hope for a great ending, and for an ending of hope after all this darkness.

Random thoughts:

  • The dialogue in this episode showed a deft hand, from Sensei dodging when Yuuna initially asked if the people would still be human after the Shinkon, to how Yuuna betrays that her entire self-conception is wrapped up in being a hero, to her spouting the clauses mindlessly because she’s cornered, she’s not thinking anymore, she’s given up. Because she just wants to end it. I was on the edge of my seat.

  • I wonder if the curse was there to force Yuuna into this…

  • Needless to say, Shinjyu-sama is an asshole of a god. Like the ancient Greek/Norse/etc gods that toyed with humanity for shits and giggles, only here Shinjyu-sama has the entire world by the balls. What a sadistic asshole.

My SECOND novel, Freelance Heroics, is available now! (Now in print!) (Also available: Firesign #1 Wage Slave Rebellion.) Sign up for my email list for updates. At, the latest post: The Last Jedi SUPER SPOILERY Review.


UQ HOLDER! ~Mahou Sensei Negima! 2~ – An Impossible Task, Done Fine-ish

A rare battle scene where no one’s naked.

Akamatsu Ken manga are notoriously difficult to adapt. Unlike, say, Arakawa Hiromu, whose manga can damn near be used as storyboards, Akamatsu-sensei takes too many diversions, adds too many characters, takes too long getting to the point, and adds in too many chapters that seem like (and occasionally are) just silly fluff. The end result as a manga is delightful—his action is stirring, his comedy is hilarious, and he can deftly switch between world-ending drama and goofy romcom hijinks in the middle of a scene—but too much of it depends on the particular eccentricities of manga, which don’t always translate comfortably to anime. (Ex: he’s a master of slipping extra side comments into a panel that are super hilarious, but which would eat up too much time in an anime.) His stories amble toward their ultimate conclusions, but the entire trip really is important. Without it, you’re getting a shell of a story. The only real way to adapt an Akamatsu Ken manga properly is to adapt every single chapter, even the ones that don’t seem important, because they are. But no one greenlights 100+ episodes for a fantasy action ecchi romcom epic battle anime. Not anymore.

So UQ HOLDER! ~Mahou Sensei Negima! 2~ was saddled with an impossible task. A task I had a feeling was impossible even before I read the manga, and now that I’ve caught up on it, I realize how right I was. How much I undersold the herculean task, if anything. With the heavy lore/characters of Negima intertwining with the new UQ Holder additions—not to mention it needing to serve not only as a sequel to Negima, but to in some ways make up for and finish Negima’s original story, which was cut short—this is a bear of a manga to adapt.

So. How’d they do?

Fine. It didn’t end up being a good anime, but given the task the anime team did a decent job. For non-manga readers, this adaptation covered (loosely) 134 chapters of manga, which—I mean, how were they going to do that well? Other than trying to do far less, which would have been my pitch, even if the stopping point they were trying to get to was a good one. Like I said, Akamatsu Ken stories tend to meander, and this one does it even more so than Negima or Love Hina. (Okay, actually less than Love Hina, but that was so much lighter on plot that you could stop almost anywhere.)

There are certain decisions that I find unforgivable, chief among them the absence of Santa. For non-manga readers, I’ll only say that leaving out Santa is like leaving out Kotarou in the original Negima anime, and was likely done for similar reasons—but it can’t all be haremettes. I mean, it can be if that’s the plan, but c’mon! Santa, as Kotarou was before him, is vital to the plot! Did you notice how Albireo Imma (Ku:nel Sanders) was conspicuously absent from the final fight? That’s because Santa wasn’t there to fight him, and without Santa, Albiereo would have wrecked havoc on the others and Team Negi-Ialda would have easily won. Leaving him out is especially unforgivable because it was so easy to fix—even if you’re not doing his arc, just have him be part of UQ Holder from the beginning, like Ikku was. It wouldn’t be the same, but at least he’d be there.

Other deleted characters had huge impacts on the story, Dana chief among them. Though it really comes down to what always happens when you try to condense 134 chapters into 12 episodes: all context is lost. The connections are lost. Nothing makes sense, because all the connective tissue that makes this (admittedly convoluted) plot work in stretched-out manga form was completely absent here. Does an anime-only viewer know why Touta is so important, other than the clone thing? Because that alone isn’t the reason. It’s what that means that is important. But we never hear about it. Without that, their plan to beat Negi-Ialda doesn’t make sense, because they don’t really have one. Which makes sense, since the battle comes so quickly after other events that it’s not like they had time to grapple with the danger upon them.

Other problems are easier to fix, such as the piss-poor animation. It doesn’t look like UQ Holder got much in the way of budget, and it shows. Then there was the pacing, which is very difficult to get right. I think Akamatsu anime need a gifted comedy director at the helm, because one of Akamatsu-sensei’s greatest strengths is that he lays out scenes and uses the pacing of a hijinks-filled romcom, even if he’s writing a bunch of action—which is to say, UQ Holder needs the energy of a romcom for the story to work. This anime never had that. Which is somewhat surprising since Suzuki Youhei has some good credits to his name, but maybe it wasn’t enough to make up for the everliving rush, or the lack of budget hurt him here too.

The funny thing is that this adaptation is a classic case of hitting a lot of the memorable moments/images, but neutering them by not understanding or conveying the connections that made them so memorable originally. It’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice thinking—just get Batman in that metal suit and the fanboys will go wild, it doesn’t matter if none of it makes sense!—where as long as you hit the right scenes then it should all work out. Which is extra crazy, since Akamatsu-sensei himself did series composition for this anime! So maybe he knew too much, or more likely, there was just no way to put all the connections in. Not with twelve episodes and a shit budget. This anime was doomed as soon as they decided to adapt up to ch134 in a single cour. Everything else was just deciding on the particular flavor of failure—though prioritizing contextless action and harem hijinks probably didn’t help. Once again: RIP Santa. You were missed.

But in the end, this was probably 80% of as good of an adaptation as this anime was ever going to get, once they made that initial (fatal) decision to adapt so much. That’s not exactly praise, it’s just a hard assessment of the truth. They were screwed from that decision, so the fact that they more or less kept the wheels on—and some changes even kind of worked, as long as you don’t think too much about the gaping plotholes they left—is impressive in a way. Things threatened to fall apart in the last two episodes though, and that weird 3-A dream sequence in the middle of the last battle was pretty pointless.

I wouldn’t recommend the UQ Holder anime to anyone, but the manga is still good. Take the time to read it if you haven’t yet. It’s time well spent. I just wish the anime team had taken more time, so they could luxuriate in those early chapters, rather than speeding toward failure.

Now, I’m going to end on some comments about the manga, mostly from chapters that take place after this adaptation ends (so ch135+). If you haven’t caught up on the manga, don’t click on the tag below. Seriously, don’t do it. Go read the manga, THEN click on it. Or just read the manga. It’s good stuff.

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Holy hell, Chisame as end girl!? Who’da thunk it. I mean, it makes sense within the context of UQ Holder—Chisame winning the Negi Bowl sets up Kirie as the chief contender for Touta’s heart, along with Yukihime, who not coincidentally ends up with Nagi in the Good End world, further solidifing her as the other contender—but if I were guessing who’d end up with Negi at the end of Negima itself, I’da probably guessed Yue. Nodoka is another strong candidate too, or even Asuna—she’s always been my favorite, though in the end she never got past the big sister vibe. Or a bunch of other girls! Still, Chisame does feel right, the more I think about it. And I’ve been thinking of it a lot, as I remember that wedding picture and smile. D’aaaawwww! Also, kudos to Akamatsu-sensei for having the cojones to actually pick an end girl, even if he did it in the sequel years later.

Speaking of, I’m glad that the Good End world still exists. Originally when I started reading UQ Holder, I was assuming this was that world, and that Negi had lived his life and died peacefully, only for shit to get wonky after that—but then Negi reappeared, and we learned that he very much did not get a happy ending, and that was news I didn’t like so much. Seeing that the Good End world is still out there—where Asuna got to live out her life with her friends, where Nagi was saved, where Negi and Eva and everyone else got to be happy in the end—just makes me smile. They deserve that happy end, especially now that we finally got to see how they earned it.

As for UQ Holder, I was originally on the Kuromaru ship, but I’ve since gone over to the Kirie side, though I’d be happy with a Yukihime ending too. It’s just hard to not like Kirie, especially after the time freeze chapters—which the anime didn’t do, by the way, so Kirie falling for Touta in the anime makes zero sense. And she also doesn’t have her time freeze powers, so Cutlass is totally pointless in the anime BUT I DIGRESS!

I also have mixed feelings about how much the manga has turned into Negima: The Ending I Didn’t Get To Do Before: The Manga, especially in these latest releases, where there were multiple extra-long chapters where often ZERO UQ Holder characters actually appeared. I wanted to see those chapters, I’ve wanted to know what went down with all of that for a long time, but it was also hard to see all the actual UQ Holder characters sidelined for so long. I like mixing in the Negima mythology, but I still want UQ Holder to be its own thing. Mixed feelings.

Either way, UQ Holder manga still rocks. Glad I finally caught up on it, even if I didn’t get a whole lot out of the anime in the end. Such is life, at least where Akamatsu Ken anime adaptations are concerned.

My SECOND novel, Freelance Heroics, is available now! (Now in print!) (Also available: Firesign #1 Wage Slave Rebellion.) Sign up for my email list for updates. At, the latest post: The Last Jedi SUPER SPOILERY Review.

Land of the Lustrous ‒ Episode 12

At the beginning of the final episode of Land of the Lustrous, Padparadscha awakes from a 231-year nap and after some fleeting conversation, they collapse into sleep again all too soon. This is a mirror for my experience of the show as a whole—so much beauty intermingled with so many unanswered questions. While every gem got a cameo in “New Work,” these glimpses of their personal dramas were as much a culmination as they were a new beginning. This season finale quietly but thoroughly summarized Phos" journey to this point while setting itself up for a sequel that I truly hope arrives.

Phos wants badly to speak to a Lunarian in order to continue their investigation on the true nature of Kongo Sensei. An impulsive chance encounter with one shows us how powerful Phos has become—even when they"ve forgotten their sword, their arms are more than a match for the flimsy Lunarians. The clash that follows is certainly one to remember. Cornered in a golden vault of Phos" own making, the Lunarian"s eyes roll back into focus, instantly giving them an animate look. But were the melting mouth and strangled syllable an attempt at speech or simply a final gasp? Phos" answers won"t come so easily when Cinnabar comes to their “rescue.” Phos" decision to thank Cinnabar at this moment is their kindest lie of the season. How far Phos has come since their days of mouthy, impetuous reactions. They"ve both gained (strength, popularity, responsibility) and lost (security, innocence, and memories) so much.

In fact, it takes Cinnabar to remind Phos of their earliest promise. It"s tragic and a little funny that Phos has forgotten why they started on this journey of self-development in the first place—and it"s adorable that aloof Cinnabar remembers every word of it with a blush. Their relationship certainly takes a step forward this episode, even with so much lost ground to recover. It brings back one of the most upsetting moments of the season for me: the moment a newly gold-limbed Phos asked who Cinnabar was. In the background of this budding relationship, we"re treated to another pair—Yellow Diamond and Zircon. As Zircon strives to be good enough for Yellow under Bort"s tutelage, Yellow and Rutile reminisce tenderly and humorously about the old days. (With these gems running around and Phos chasing Cinnabar later, this episode has two great examples of the one-two punchline, in which a gag is replayed immediately for great effect.)

But even though this episode nixes the opening theme, there"s only enough time to focus in depth on Phos and give us a tantalizing glimpse of the daily lives of so many of their fellow gems. We"ve never seen so much emotion from Rutile as when they"re speaking with Padparadscha, somebody they"ve attempted to revive more than 300,000 times. Zircon"s desperate resolve to protect Yellow results in a revealing conversation with Phos, in which they psychotically consider amputating their own arms and legs in order to experience the rapid growth of their junior. And when Phos asks Alexandrite—in full Sensei cosplay—why they are so devoted to the study of Lunarians, we learn that Alex has lost somebody too: Chrysoberyl.

Season one of Land of the Lustrous was Phos" coming of age story, but episode twelve was all about hinting that every other gem has a story just as important, beautiful, funny, and tragic. The season ends the same way it begins, with Sensei giving a new assignment to a changed Phos, and the cycle is complete. Unanswered questions and all, this tense and compelling first season stands well on its own. But I"d be remiss if I didn"t add that I"m hoping for more to come.

Rating: A

Land of the Lustrous is currently streaming on Amazon"s Anime Strike.

Lauren writes about geek careers at Otaku Journalist.

GARO -Vanishing Line- ‒ Episode 12

This week"s episode of Garo is called “FAMILY”, which is about as perfectly literal a title as could be. Not only is the Horror of the week centered around a down-on-their-luck family running a motel in the middle of the desert, but the thematic crux of the episode is all about how Sophie, Sword, and Gina are growing into their own family unit. While there"s nothing especially surprising or mold-breaking for GARO -VANISHING LINE- here, the show has really grown into the strengths of its cast, its themes, and its setting. I think there"s a tendency for people to look at more episodic stories like this one and dismiss them as filler, but I don"t think that"s entirely fair. This adventure has enough of its own share suspense, atmosphere, and charming character interactions to make it worthwhile in its own right.

After the cold open sets up the creepy motel (fashioned after the Bates motel) that will become the main setting later on, we get a few good minutes of Team Garo simply making their way through the western expanse, but where last week played heavily into the “Western with a capital W” imagery, the mood this time around feels more apocalyptic than anything else. Gina informs Sophie that the government of their nation has failed many of the people living outside of Russel City, and thousands have been forced out into the broken streets of cities out in the lawless zones. When we learn later that the main antagonist of the episode is also a victim of financial hardship, the whole story feels so much in touch with current American struggles that I found it almost disarming. While I"ve never been to a place that felt quite as bad as what Team Garo drives through, I"ve spent plenty of time traveling through some of the areas of the USA hit the hardest by recession, industrial collapse, and the inevitable drift of communities and opportunities. In a year where ideas like “economic anxiety” have been burned into the cultural dialogue, I never expected for GARO to be the anime that approached America"s relevant current struggles.

All of this gets put into sharper focus when Team Garo finds the Bates-esque motel, and the rest of the episode does a mostly excellent job of balancing the suspense surrounding this horror of the week with the more lighthearted moments of Sophie, Sword, and Gina simply acting like a family on a road trip. Sophie exudes her characteristic glee at simply having a shower and a bed, while Gina takes on a more matronly role as she bonds more with Sophie and keeps Sword at bay. Sword has the least to do character-wise, but the episode does give him a monologue that explains his almost spiritual reverence for women"s breasts, which is so enthusiastic and impassioned that it manages to be genuinely funny and incredibly stupid.

However, the overabundance of levity brought by this speech does make for one distractingly jarring transition. Before Sword goes on his boob rant, we see how the motel"s owner has become broken by his financial woes, and he spends his days obsessed with earning enough money to restore his old life in Russel City. This character and his fate at the hands of the Horror that eats his motel"s guests feels like an even more pointed critique of the egotism that leads to people making poor decisions based on the desire for economic prosperity alone. All Matthew"s wife and son want is to remain together as a family, but Matthew won"t be satisfied until he can make his own life feel great again. The town around them is as dark as pitch, and while the show doesn"t immediately cut from Matthew beating his wife to Sword waxing poetic about the historical significance of breasts, the tone does feel mismatched all the same. I understand that the point was probably to break the tension up, but after watching something so thoroughly unpleasant, I think the transition could have been handled better.

Outside of that off note, this is a tightly written and genuinely suspenseful episode that worked well as a standalone story for Team Garo to fight their way through. The animation was a little wonky in places, but the strong character interactions and interesting themes made up for it. Sword was at least able to turn his breast obsession into something funny, and Sophie and Gina getting more screen time to spend together is always a good thing. Even the horror of the week was refreshing, eschewing the overly sexualized design choices of past monsters and instead going with a sentient pool of murderous water, which becomes all the more menacing in its simplicity. Even if it lacks any significant plot developments about El Dorado, to call this episode “filler” does a disservice to it as a successful example of episodic storytelling. Seeing Sophie, Sword, and Gina grow closer and stronger over the course of their journey is becoming a key feature of GARO -VANISHING LINE-"s story.

Rating: B+

Garo -Vanishing Line- is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

James is an English teacher who has loved anime his entire life, and he spends way too much time on Twitter and his blog.

Top 10 Anime Girls You Want to Unwrap During Christmas [Best List]

zeke changuris

Final Thoughts

Zeke Changuris

Author: Zeke Changuris

I’m a journalist, writer, photographer, video producer, social media manager and above all a storyteller. I’m located on the east coast of the United States but travel the world with the love of my life. I’ve been a nerd since birth with a love of history and science. I fell in love with anime, watching ROBOTECH and Venus Wars in the 80s when our only source was secondhand VHS dubs. A crazy new thing called the internet changed that, giving me access to new and amazing anime every day. I love to write for work and pleasure. I’m living the dream of every kid, getting paid to watch anime and loving every subtitled line.

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Top 5 Anime by Zeke Changuris

6 Manga Like Immortal Regis [Recommendations]

Final Thoughts


Author: Aaron

Hey everyone I’m Aaron Curbelo or Blade as I’m called by my YouTube Subscribers. I’ve been an anime/manga fan since I was a young kid. In terms of anime I have watched nearly a thousand shows and have read hundreds of manga series. I love writing and honestly was so happy to join Honey’s Anime to get a shot to write articles for such a wonderful site. I’m a firm believer in respect in the anime community being the most important embodiment we should all have. We all love anime and we have varying opinions of series but we should respect one another for those differences! Life is too precious to spend it making needless arguments in a community that should be the shining example of loving an amazing medium. I hope as a writer for Honey’s Anime I can bring you folks some amazing articles to read and enjoy!

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Top 5 Anime by Aaron

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Yuusha no Shou – 04

「秘めた意志」 (Himeta Ishi)
“Unspoken Intentions”

I have no idea how they win this one. I’m not sure they can.

Yuuki Yuuna no Yuusha de Aru’s greatest strength: mixing adorable, warm, friend-filled slice-of-life moments with plotlines of absolute despair, to make the punches hurt all the more for the love we’ve given to these characters. This episode is the most stark distillation of the concept, for not only are the early slice-of-life scenes delightful, but the emotional flurry of gut punches later on, just one (she won’t make it to spring) after another (stuck in a tunnel) after another (she threw it all up) after another (nauseous) after another (so much pain she wasn’t making sense) after another (likes hearing “mata ashita”) after another (scared to sleep with the lights off) after another (there’s nothing she can do)—

Look. When I’m blogging a show, I don’t react to it like I would if I were just watching it. I can’t. My writing brain is in the forefront, and I’m constantly pausing to take screencaps or write down thoughts. That means I don’t experience the emotions as deeply as I would normally. I can still recognize them—if a scene is a 7 on the cry-o-meter, I’ll still be able to tell—but I’ll only experience it as a 4. So when a show I’m blogging can make me tear up, and when I have to pause not to write something down, but to say aloud, “…fuck.” Well. It knows what it’s doing, and it’s doing it well. Damn them for it. I respect them for it.

This series has always been suffused by hope, and even here, in the darkest of hours, it remains. Her friends love her, they are willing to risk taking the curse upon themselves to help her, and Tougou is still determined to save her. As long as the world of flames exists, there is no chance that Yuuna’s body will heal—and I could believe that Mimori, Fuu, Itsuki, Karin, and Sonoko will destroy that entire world, will extinguish the infinite flames to save their friend. Or at least, I can believe they’ll try.

For, despite the hope that remains, it’s but a small hope in the face of a problem with no clear solution, one I have no idea how they’ll solve. Or if they will. I’m glad they’re directly confronting what happened at the end of the original series, because finishing the story that was left undone was always the number one goal of this sequel. That’s the only reason it should exist, so revealing how Yuuna came back, and why she fell to her knees during that stage performance, is priority number fuckin’ one. And we’re getting that, which is excellent. This is absolutely the right path to take.

As long as they can stick the landing. And I have no idea how they’ll do that. With the original season of YuYuYu, they wrote themselves into a corner that required a deus ex machina ending—seemingly. Or it was that in the context of the original series alone. This is trying to get us to that ending we needed, and I have no idea if they be able to make it there. What I do know is that I hope Yuuna is saved—or not—through the actions of the other Yuusha-bu girls, instead of a literal act of God. Though apparently Yuuna is getting married next episode? Jeez. Way to make us come back for another dose of punishment. Well played.

Random thoughts:

  • Fuu-sempai is a weepy drunk while Itsuki gets all giggly? Eh, I still say Fuu-sempai best girl, but way to leap up those rankings, Itsuki!

  • S-shipping Karin x Fuu? Yeah, I’ma do it. Shipping furiously!! o/

  • Did Sancho speak with Nakata Jouji’s voice? If so, swiftly approved.

  • I like how the spirits are totally on their sides now. In a plotline that’s so bleak (though not as bleak as the prequel, for at least here there’s still hope), at least their spirit buddies aren’t betraying them this time. Probably. Probably.

  • Tougou hit her oppai on the screen door. Heh heh heh.

My SECOND novel, Freelance Heroics, is available now! (Now in print!) (Also available: Firesign #1 Wage Slave Rebellion.) Sign up for my email list for updates. At, the latest post: The Last Jedi SUPER SPOILERY Review.

Full-length images: 29.


Shoukoku no Altair – 23

Shoukoku no Altair – 23

「楽園の終焉」 (Rakuen no Shuuen)
“The End of Paradise”

While it’s a given of late to expect amazing things from Altair every week, the conclusion to Mahmut’s opening battle with Balt-Rhein easily raised the bar going forward. This story was always one of seeing the forest for the trees and how simple, individual actions could build into something grand, but with the slaughter of general and Director both, Altair has shown yet another face in the perpetual battle of wills: the legitimization of choice.

As mentioned repeatedly throughout this episode, everyone is in a constant struggle against their contradictions. Mahmut as we know cares deeply for his fellow people and wishes harm on no soul, and yet in the same breath has little issue decapitating leaders and parading the gruesome results around for all to see. It’s an illogical dichotomy running counter to everyday morals (how can a kid so kindhearted find satisfaction in slaughter?), yet one tied closely to human nature. Our lives are one of perpetual rationalization, we all make decisions breaking purported principles and moral guidelines while seeking explanations for said transgressions. We know such choices are wrong, yet we do it anyway, whether for personal gain or selfless altruism. Mahmut’s awareness of the skeletons he carries around is one such reason, acknowledgement that his sins are present and won’t simply disappear because he chooses to ignore them. Altair has certainly focused on how Mahmut reconciled his beliefs with his duties, but with that largely answered the emphasis now will likely be on how Mahmut chooses to answer for what he has done. Whether justified or not he has taken lives, and such action always bears heavily on a man’s soul. As many a military man has done before, Mahmut will need to find an answer to calm the turmoil quietly growing inside of him.

Beyond Mahmut, however, contradiction extends further. Both Turkiye and Balt-Rhein are operating under their own contradictions, fighting for just causes while simultaneously acting in manners tarnishing those goals. Balt-Rhein’s transgressions are obvious, seeking their place in the sun and a future for their people while throwing citizen lives away for little tangible reward (remember the Phoinike battle?) and treating allies—the ones who would help them achieve their desire—as little more than cannon fodder. Fear can get one far, but if Balt-Rhein had only acted a little nicer, maybe treated its friends as nicely as Turkiye does theirs, its defeat would not have been so devastating and far reaching. No matter the cause self-justification (i.e. excuses) only work if victorious, for the key is acceptance by others—no victory parade, no acceptance. This is why Turkiye’s own expansion is accepted with little fanfare, all because one little Pasha is doing the impossible. Effectively turning Chielo into a vassal and monopolizing all private military force through economic influence? Nary a worried peep because Turkiye happens to be on the winning side. War is said to have no true winner, but as Turkiye’s actions this week show, it applies to far more than just material loss. In justifying wartime actions there is never one true answer, just one which happens to be more accepted than the rest. Quite a few learned that lesson the hard way this episode.

Certainly begs the question just what theme awaits us for next week’s finale, doesn’t it?


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App"s Classical Music Boys Help You Concentrate on Work

Just when you think Japan must have already personified everything as attractive youths, someone comes up with a new and unexpected anthropomorphization project. Video game and manga creator Sugiya is releasing an an app this month that reimagines classical music as handsome young men.

The Ave Classic ~Classic Danshi ni yoru Sagyō Shūchū Timer~ (Ave Classic: Work Concentration Timer With Classic Young Men) app for iOS and Adroid devices is slated to launch for free in December. The app aims to help users boost productivity by reducing smartphone dependence. The characters represent classic music such as Ludwig van Beethoven"s Symphony No. 9, Vivaldi"s The Four Seasons, and Claude Debussy"s "Clair de lune."

Users can set a time period during which they would like to focus on work and ask the music boys for help in accomplishing their tasks. The characters will play their trademark tunes as background music during the set period. They then notify users after the time period has elapsed. If people are successful in not touching their smartphones for the preset period of time, they can unlock more than 45 different character episodes.

The app"s story is set in a world that has lost music due to the death of the music god Muse. The world goes out of tune, and the music that was originally supposed to heal takes form and begins to attack people. App users have the power of the Conductor who can bring the music under control. In order to calm the chaos, the Conductor summons the characters who represent music.

[Via Nijimen]

King of Prism Film"s Stars Become Drug Ingredients in Bufferin Collaboration

The stars of the King of Prism: PRIDE the HERO anime are taking on a new role as promoters of a pain reliever. The film is collaborating with Bufferin buffered aspirin, and the anime"s main characters are representing active ingredients in the drug for the campaign.

The roles for the collaboration are:

Louis Kisaragi (voiced by Shouta Aoi) as Rin (aspirin)

Shin Ichijō (voiced by Junta Terashima) as Saito (synthetic hydrotalcite)

Kōji Mihama (voiced by Tetsuya Kakihara) as Ibu (ibuprofen)

Hiro Hayami (voiced by Tomoaki Maeno) as Aseto (acetaminophen)

Kazuki Nishina (voiced by Toshiki Masuda) as Migel (dehydrated aluminum hydroxide gel)

Alexander Yamato (voiced by Shunsuke Takeuchi) as Loki (loxoprofen sodium hydrate)

The campaign"s special AR app gives fans the opportunity to see the anime"s characters inside their own homes. App users can hold their iOS or Android smartphones up to a box of Bufferin to see the Prism Stars appear around the package. The characters move around and say phrases specially recorded for the app.

The app will be available to download until March 31, and it will be available to use until May 31. People who purchase designated packages of Bufferin from December 15 to February 14 can also enter for a chance to win one of 834 bath towels. The towels will function with the AR app.

The film opened in Japan on June 10. As of October, the anime had earned more than 600 million yen (about US$5.28 million) and sold more than 340,000 tickets at the Japanese box office. The film"s DVD and Blu-ray Disc release in Japan is set for January 26.

[Via Nijimen]

Top 10 Anime Christmas Gift Ideas for Kids List [Best Recommendations]

Final Thoughts


Author: Aaron

Hey everyone I’m Aaron Curbelo or Blade as I’m called by my YouTube Subscribers. I’ve been an anime/manga fan since I was a young kid. In terms of anime I have watched nearly a thousand shows and have read hundreds of manga series. I love writing and honestly was so happy to join Honey’s Anime to get a shot to write articles for such a wonderful site. I’m a firm believer in respect in the anime community being the most important embodiment we should all have. We all love anime and we have varying opinions of series but we should respect one another for those differences! Life is too precious to spend it making needless arguments in a community that should be the shining example of loving an amazing medium. I hope as a writer for Honey’s Anime I can bring you folks some amazing articles to read and enjoy!

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[Adorable Comedy Fall 2017] Like Inu x Boku SS? Watch This!

While action and sci-fi anime are great to watch, sometimes we all need a break from such high tense anime. Especially with the fall 2017 season having shows like Inuyashiki and Juuni Taisen, there needs to be some down time to get into the lighter side of anime. Back in 2012, there was an anime called Inu x Boku SS which fused comedy and supernatural themes and was a great means of unwinding after an action-packed anime romp. Luckily, 2017 also has some great anime to unwind with in the form of Blend S and Himouto! Umaru-chan R that you need to be watching.

If you’re still on the fence about watching cute anime like the two mentioned above, well let us here at Honey’s Anime convince you why these shows are great and oh so similar to Inu x Boku SS. Below, we will go into comparing each show—meaning Himouto! Umaru-chan R and Blend S—with Inu x Boku SS to say why you might like them. By the end of this article, we hope to give you folks a slew of laughs and cute feels in equal measures. That’s why without further ado, we welcome you to our Adorable Comedy Fall 2017 article. Liked Inu x Boku SS? Watch This!

About Inu x Boku SS

  • Episodes: 12

  • Aired: Jan, 2012- Mar, 2012

Ririchiyo Shirakiin has always been blessed with a high-class lifestyle that many would envy. Money and status, Ririchiyo should be quite happy and content with her current life, but instead, she has grown tired of this well to do life. Thankfully, a friend offers Ririchiyo a chance at a new life living at a place called Maison de Ayakashi which seems like a fancy new place that will allow her a new lease on life. Though little does she know that in these halls lies not so normal people as most of the residents are half-human and half-youkai. Can Ririchiyo live among such a strange group of people?

With that our Adorable Comedy Fall 2017 article comes to a close. Hopefully, we convinced some of you out there to watch two truly great shows. We know there are plenty of other comedy anime out this fall 2017 and we’ll leave you to talk about them in the comments below. What comedy shows are you enjoying this season and why? Let us know and for more articles like this one, keep stuck to our hive here at Honey’s Anime!


Author: Aaron

Hey everyone I’m Aaron Curbelo or Blade as I’m called by my YouTube Subscribers. I’ve been an anime/manga fan since I was a young kid. In terms of anime I have watched nearly a thousand shows and have read hundreds of manga series. I love writing and honestly was so happy to join Honey’s Anime to get a shot to write articles for such a wonderful site. I’m a firm believer in respect in the anime community being the most important embodiment we should all have. We all love anime and we have varying opinions of series but we should respect one another for those differences! Life is too precious to spend it making needless arguments in a community that should be the shining example of loving an amazing medium. I hope as a writer for Honey’s Anime I can bring you folks some amazing articles to read and enjoy!

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Top 5 Anime by Aaron

Monday, December 11, 2017

Kekkai Sensen & Beyond – 10

Kekkai Sensen & Beyond – 10

「Bratatat Mom」

The struggles of a working parent.

K.K. has long been one of my favorite characters, so this episode was a treat for me. She’s always been lively in the way that the best Libra members are, full of eccentricities and personality that makes her more than just the electric sniper lady. This was also one of those plots where she had a bunch of crappy options—either miss parent’s day or risk letting her friends/teammates possibly die without her—and even though she opted for a third option (trope!), it almost didn’t work out in the end. It sucks, right? She’s trying to do the right thing, but her son is too young to see it—but that’s entirely reasonable as well. No one’s wrong, not really. It just sucks. Though the look on her older son’s face might have hurt the most. That’s a wound deep enough that there’s no healing, not until he truly understands what his mother’s job is.

Speaking of family, if K.K. hadn’t already married this man, I’d tell her to do it ASAP. Or do it myself. Dude is perfect! Kinda nice to see the troubled working mother juxtaposed with the all-too-perfect husbando. It’s becoming a more common alternative to the usual gender mix, but it’s still rare enough to be a nice change.

I also really enjoyed how K.K. stumbled across her Blood Breed enemy at school. It’s a helluva coincidence, to be sure, but it got her into trouble rather than getting her out of it, so I’ll allow it. Plus that moment of reveal was killer. It also adds a fun wrinkle to Blood Breeds, these superkiller vampire monsters, which would have admittedly worked better if Blood Breeds had been established better as a class of enemy, because I had to google them to remember what they were. Still, it made for some tense moments, even if they were ultimately defused by the kids showing up. They saved their parents this time, yay!

Loved the after credits scene though. As much as I frequently hate social media, it’s a reminder that, when used in healthy moderation, it can be a powerful tool of connection. It was also funny that their parents forgot it existed when they were getting all serious about their kids not seeing each other again. Sounds about right, haha!

Random thoughts:

  • Steven confirmed as basically the meanest.

  • Calm down K.K., don’t ship your son. He’s a little kid. Though I’m sure later on he’ll do just fine with the romantic partners of his choice, at least if he’s anything like his Pa.

My SECOND novel, Freelance Heroics, is available now! (Now in print!) (Also available: Firesign #1 Wage Slave Rebellion.) Sign up for my email list for updates. At, the latest post: Help Houston.


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Mahoutsukai no Yome – 10

「We Live and Learn」

It’s always nice to see excellence rewarded commercially in anime – especially as it seems to happen so rarely. Mahoutsukai no Yome is excellent without a doubt, a stellar adaptation by Wit, and it garnered almost 6200 in Blu-ray volume sales in its first week. While those numbers don’t make it a monster hit, that’s a pretty healthy return for a series as thoughtful and relatively pander-free as this one. I’m not going to go so far as to say the production committee is being rewarded for risk-taking in this instance, as the Mahoutsukai manga is itself extremely popular, but they have at least had the good sense not to dumb it down to try and appeal to the anime audience.

If it continues at its current pacing, the anime’s 24 episodes will likely use about 36 chapters from the manga – a manga which is currently only at about 42 chapters. So while The Ancient Magus’ Bride will almost surely get its anime sequel, it’s going to be a couple of years before we see it. These things can’t be rushed – and this is the sort of series that takes its time spinning its yarn. Exposition doesn’t happen in staccato bursts here, it’s slowly teased out over the course of multiple arcs – and that befits a story where the passage of long stretches of time is woven into the fabric of the narrative. The mysteries, large and small, sometimes feel as if they’re as old as time.

Like Togashi, Yamazaki-sensei likes to lay the thematic groundwork for the coming arc in the one before. We’ve seen Chise grow more and more impatient to learn more about Elias’ true nature, just as those around them have grown increasingly concerned with Chise’s growing complacency at being Elias’… Apprentice? Bride? Pet? Now we see Lindel summoning Chise through the person of his selkie familiar, Merituuli (Han Megumi – probably best not to imagine Hisoka and Gon here) – ostensibly to help her make her wand, but in part because he too is concerned about Chise’s attachment to his former apprentice.

Killing two thematic birds with one stone, Lindel decides to tell Chise something about Elias – he’s rather stunned that he’s told her so little already, in fact. Chise would of course rather hear it from Elias herself, because in addition to knowledge she would be getting an acknowledgement that he’s come to trust her – but beggars can’t be choosers. As they huddle around a fire in the land of dragons, Lindel begins to spin the tale of how he came to know the being Chise knows as Elias Ainsworth.

Lindel is himself a cagy sort, probably a function of having lived as long as he has and seen as much as he has. How long he’s not telling Chise, but a long time – longer than Elias anyway, and we know him to be centuries old himself. Lindel begins by telling Chise something of the existence of mages, beings whose origins and purpose are so mysterious as to be unknown even to themselves – born to normal humans but possessed of strange powers and often freakishly long lifespans, mages have been a part of the world’s fabric since there were people to tell stories about them.

As for Elias, he stumbled into Lindel’s camp at some point deep into the past, a frightening and huge creature, and collapsed from hunger. Lindel knows not what to make of it, and neither does the creature himself – his memories extend only as far as the beginning of the foot journey that brought him to Lindel. Bemused, Lindel decides to take the creature to meet his master, Rahab (Mitsuishi Kotono, about as iconic as they come), who’s likewise stumped – though she does name him Elias (she named Lindel too, naming things being one of her passions). Elias seems to these two mages to be a fairy, a creature of magic – but with a “hint of human” about him. At Rahab’s prompting Elias remembers one thing and one thing only – “Red”.

Answers are not what Mahoutsukai no Yome is about, not when it comes to these sorts of questions, not as this point in the story anyway. The mystery is what matters. What does seem clear is that more than simply taking Elias (who after his transformation to child-size begins to talk like a young boy, peppering his speech with “boku” and “kimi”) on as an “acquaintance” at Rahab’s order, Lindel feels something for him – the implication of his calling Chise “Granddaughter” is that Elias is his spiritual son. What we still don’t know is how far in this case the apple has fallen from the tree…


Wish Your Loved Ones "Happy New Year" with Detective Conan

The Detective Conan franchise is having a hell of a year. There"s a new movie in production, he"s the star of several upcoming Universal Studios Japan attractions, and he"s traveling through time. It"s no wonder creator Gosho Aoyama gets practically no sleep.

Fans have a lot to look forward to and they can share that enthusiasm with six newly released Detective Conan New Year"s cards. The website Net Nengajo (lit. Net New Year"s Postcards) has six designs featuring pint-sized Conan and characters from the new film Detective Conan: Zero"s Executioner. One version is customizable so senders can add their own photo in a frame flanked by Conan and "triple-face" character Tōru Amano/Rei Furuya/Bourbon.

Previous imageNext image

The film opens in Japan on April 13.

In the film"s story, there is a sudden explosion at Tokyo Summit"s giant Edge of Ocean facility. The shadow of Tōru Amuro, who works for the National Police Agency Security Bureau as Zero, appears at the site. In addition, the "triple-face" character is known as Rei Furuya as a detective and Kogorō Mōri"s apprentice, and he is also known as Bourbon as a Black Organization member. Kogorō is arrested as a suspect in the case of the explosion. Conan conducts an investigation to prove Kogorō"s innocence, but Amuro gets in his way.

Detective Conan has been running since 1994, and in August it became the first Weekly Shonen Sunday series to publish its 1,000th chapter. The manga has spawned an ongoing anime series, and a yearly anime film series. The 21st film in the series, Meitantei Conan Kara Kurenai no Love Letter (Detective Conan: Crimson Love Letter), opened on April 15, and earned the highest opening weekend record for the franchise. Aoyama"s various manga series have a combined 200 million copies in print worldwide.

Source: Comic Natalie

Rozen Maiden"s Peach-Pit Draws Trailer for Kamijo x Hatsune Miku Project

Manga artist duo Peach-Pit (Rozen Maiden, Shugo Chara!, Zombie-Loan, DearS) drew illustrations that appear in a trailer for a new collaboration between visual kei singer Kamijo and Vocaloid idol Hatsune Miku. Kamijo is a former member of Lareine and a current member of the Versailles band. He began streaming the trailer on his official Twitter account on Thursday.

The video, which features both Japanese and English text, ends with text that reads "Aesthetic and dangerous world... a real Artist and an electrical Diva cuddle up like a human and a vampire—." Kamijo"s Twitter post states that the project will debut in 2018 and says in English, "More ACTION next week."

Kamijo will release the "Nosferatu" on January 16 and the "Epic Rock Orchestra at Zepp DiverCity Tokyo" concert DVD on January 31. His Sang album will ship in March.

Peach-Pit ended the first part of their Nishina Tesura wa Suirishinai (Tesura Nishina Isn"t Reasoning) manga in August. The duo also concluded their Wandering Wonder World manga series in January.

Source: Geki-Rock Entertainment

Planet With – 05

「パラディンブレイク・1」 ( Paradinbureiku 1 ) “Paladin Break 1″ I’ve kind of given up on there being any sort of middle ground with Planet With . The a...